You’d think that in itself would be enough to deter people from using industrial strength on themselves. 'gorilla glue girl' Memes & GIFs by dragonfire999 11,280 views, 2 upvotes All stores to lock up Gorilla Glue after sticky situation.

Leave a Comment In the world of pop culture three things are inevitable: taxes, death and a merch collection. Michael Obeng who had to perform a procedure, where Brown was put under light anaesthetic to remove the glue. Tessica AKA Gorilla Glue Girl Is Now Selling Merch February 15, 2021. Thankfully, Brown managed to get the glue out thanks to Dr. Brown had the glue in her hair for a month giving her a kind of permanent ponytail. Tessica Brown rose to fame when she posted a TikTok warning people not to use Gorilla Glue Spray as hairspray, like she had. Oh and just when you thought it couldn’t possibly get worse, Martin rapped about the ordeal. He also had the audacity to try and use his hospitalisation as a way to pick up women in the comments. Please do not try this at home, unless you want to go to hospital. Wow this man really had the audacity to call it the Gorilla Glue challenge. “I thought that chick with the gorilla glue was making that story up…but no.its real… I dont kno why I tried it.now they talking bout cutting the tip of my lips off in surgery…y’all pray for me #gorrilagluechallenge smh ,” he wrote on Facebook.

And did he really expect super glue not to do that? We’ve all used super glue and accidentally gotten it on our fingers. Well that little stunt scored Martin a trip to emergency.